Thursday, July 1, 2010

Today is the day for my CCSVI procedure. I feel this is a fortuitous day because a member of our group here announced that B. B. Lee, MD had a peer reviewed article about CCSVI published in a recent medical journal. Dr. Lee is managing a clinical trial for patients in Georgetown near D.C. and is a well respected vascular specialist (I believe that's his specialty).

It feels good to hear of more acceptance of what I'm just about to undergo through a doctor publishing a professionally accepted writing on the subject. Maybe other people with MS won't need to travel as far as I have to be treated in the future.

I'm not going to wax poetic today---my emotions are a bit ajumble (I made up that word---eh) but I'm still confident about staying on this path I'm treading. Ciao for now.

1 comment:

  1. hey Patrice,

    your gang o friends are all cheering for you! we're about to get a heat wave. Hope you are feeling improvements! kindest regards.
